It should just work!

Posts tagged ‘Xoom’

Consumer Reports Agrees with me about iPad 2

In Consumer Reports, it picks iPad 2 above all other tablets.  The only other tablet that came close was the Xoom and it tied for second with the first generation iPad and personally I wouldn’t have given Xoom second place as Honeycomb is still buggy causing crashes and feels more like a beta equipment.  Even Google said it rushed Honeycomb.  They also reported that the iPad 2 lasted 12.2 hours playing a looped video.  Does anyone know how long the Xoom lasted, as I don’t have a subscription to the consumer reports?

It all comes down to the experience and the iPad is just wonderful to use and yes I would call it magical.  Magical, not in you don’t know how it works but in the way you feel when using it.  You can read the CNN report here or here for 9 to 5 Mac.

iPad 2 March 11, 2011

iPad 2 will be available on March 11, 2011 starting at 5 pm. If you missed the announcement event from Apple or would just like to watch it, you can find it here.

For a quick recap. It is 1/3 less thinner, lighter, faster with dual core processor, up to 9x faster graphics, front and rear facing cameras, iOS 4.3 and will come in black or white bevel (body still made out of aluminum), allows for smart cover, and it still has 10 hour battery life! Both WiFi only or 3G + WiFi on both AT&T and Verizon networks and kept the same pricing starting at $499. It will have FaceTime and Photo Booth. You will be able to buy Garageband and iMovie for a low price, I can’t wait to try both of those and I know the kids are going to love playing with Photo Booth.

Smart cover is pretty cool. Where to start. It’s a screen cover that snaps into place and aligns itself. It will help clean the screen and it will roll up into a stand for typing or prop it up for watching a movie. Oh, and one more thing. The cover wake up or put the iPad to sleep. I’m wondering how many people are going to test this to see if it works like they do to see if the refrigerator light goes out when you close the door. Smart covers will not work with the iPad 1 as the 2 has magnets built-in. You can find the information here. See the iPad Smart Cover in action.

My take on this, go get one! If you been holding out, now is the time. If you have one already, couldn’t you use a second one? You’ll have to decide that one, I think it’s worth it, you can always sell your first one. If you’re sitting on the fence about getting one, just go get one. Read reviews and opinions all you want it’s not really going to help. Why? Because you need to experience it. I could talk till I’m blue in the face and you’ll hardly hear me. Spend a day with it and you’ll see. Touching makes it so much more personal and the iPad itself is more personal than a laptop. I use the laptop about 80% less now that I have an iPad. Want to look something up, the instant on and the quickness makes it a joy to use. Like I said you need to go use one for a little while, sometimes it doesn’t even take that long.

A little guide to help you pick out which one to get. Black or white that’s all you. There are 2 hardest decisions and that is storage size and to 3G or not to 3G. Storage size. This will mainly be how much stuff you have and want to keep on the iPad. Mainly it will be how much music and pictures you have and maybe movies. Apps will take up a 1 or 2 Gig, in general. So add up the size of music and video’s you have that you will want to put on it. If you have no idea what I’m talking about then you can probably get away with 16G version. If you feel that it might not be enough then spend $100 more and get the 32G. 64G is more for users with a lot of stuff and want it all on the iPad. Don’t forget there is always cloud storage like MobileMe, Dropbox and your machines at home. If possible, I would buy one from an Apple store, put everything you want on there and see how much space is left. If it’s not enough then take it back (within a week or 2) and get the next size or 2 up. Since you’re getting the next model up Apple will not charge you a restock fee. Side note. If you believe your going to shoot a lot of HD video with it or editing, remember that when picking storage size. Storage size cannot be upgraded, what you get is what you have.

3G. Advantages: GPS and access to the internet everywhere (you can get a signal). Disadvantages: Extra $130 and that’s about it. On AT&T it’s a month by month basis if you want to use it or not, you can stop and start it (monthly) all you want so there doesn’t have to be a monthly charge. If you have the AT&T unlimited from iPad 1 you can transfer it to iPad 2 from what I’ve heard but you might want to double check to make sure. You need to look at your life style and how you think you will use it. I’ll give you a few examples to help you out. If you are mostly either at home or work and do the driving you probably don’t need it. If you travel a lot or take the public transportation you probably will want it. You can use a MiFi instead but it’s not going to last as long as the iPad. If your usually at a spot with wi-fi access or hot spot. I have it and it’s mostly off but there are a couple of times it comes in handy. Like I said AT&T it’s monthly and you can start and stop it anytime so that part is a no brainer. As for Verizon I don’t know as the first one used MiFi. As for choosing AT&T or Verizon? AT&T 3G is usually faster than Verizon and you’re not worry about drop calls, so it’s your choice on that. You’ll have to do a little research about Verizon’s pricing and if it’s going to be Monthly.

Maybe your trying to decide about iPad or one of the other tablets. Easy, iPad. 7” is to small, you might as well go with the 10”, besides you have your phone with you. Xoom is too costly and no WiFi only and having a Motorola Android phone has made me lose respect for them. Android itself is a problem, it’s more like beta software and hardly any software has been written to take advantage of tablets. You might say but Android has mostly free software. You get what you pay for and if you didn’t pay for the product YOU and your data are the product. From what I’ve seen apps for iOS is more polished than Android ones. Any updates for Android has to come from the manufacturer and it’s a if and when and how much will it cost type of deal. When Apple comes out with an update it’s available to everyone right then and there and no extra charge. I’m not sure on the battery life of the others but 10 hours on the iPad is GREAT. WebOS isn’t even here yet, RIM is still vaporware and MS is fall of 2012. As of late I’m not liking Googles practices and they are collecting way too much data on people. The sole existence for Android is to collect your data.

Even though I have iPad one I will be getting an iPad 2, they have made enough changes to justifying me to get the new one.